2017 Holiday Gift Guide

Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I love spending it with my family and friends. I love seeing my daughter smile when she sees the gifts under the tree. I also love getting gifts for my family, and co-workers. I love decorating the tree and our home. Listening to the Christmas music on my way to work and watching my holiday favorites.  I remember growing up we would all get in the car and drive around the neighborhoods looking for houses with Christmas Lights.  To this day my husband and I still go out several nights looking for Christmas Lights. Chelsea really enjoys looking at them as much as I do.

Christmas is a time to get family together. When my mom was alive we would go see the beautiful Christmas Lights around the different neighborhoods. It never really snowed where I have lived so we didn’t really experience that. We would make cookies on Christmas Eve. I have already started that tradition with Chelsea. We would have dinner together on Christmas Eve as well as on Christmas Day. I always like to make sure everyone gets a little something. This year I have been clearance shopping every chance I get so that I can get the best deals for everyone on my shopping list. Not only am I going to share gift guides and suggestions I am going to share the activities we do around the holiday times.

This is our 4th annual Holiday Gift Guide we will have the following categories:

To see reviews already tagged for our guide: Click Here

Traveling in the Las Vegas Area Here are some festive activity ideas for you.

As we add items to the categories we will make the links accessible.
